Monday, April 22, 2013

Hello again

Ok well I have been a total slacker about this, but have good reason.  Our daughter  got very ill lat year, weird rashes, hives, then gastro issues. Lots of drs, hospitals,tests, yet no answers.  I spent many hours scouring the Internet trying to find out what was wrong.  I finally found her answer, she cannot eat gluten! Before all this stared I didn't even know what gluten was. Now I know it is a protein found in wheat, barley, rye, is in all baked goods, pizza, pasta, etc.  it has been a huge adjustment for all od us, but I do try to thank God everyday for leading me to the answer. I had really lost myself for a while.  Happy to say , we have been gluten free for only 4 months, but soooooooo much better!

I was unable to think about anything but her and her health for so long.... Dreams of the future were not on the radar.... But now that she is better, we have a few small trips planned.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Beginning

Well I so enjoy reading other people's blogs that I thought in my spare time (ha!) I would try to record my thoughts too.  Life as we know it now, consists of work, 2 children we are trying to raise to be responsible adults, and the day to day grind.  Todd, my husband of 15 years, and I plan to retire from the grind in about 7-8 years. We both turn 46 this year.  That is probably retiring "early" to many people, but we have been blessed with both common sense and we do not feel the need that so many do to have more and more and bigger toys. That has enabled us to save lots of money, so we can actually get off the hamster wheel, pay of the mortgage, get the kids in college and enjoy life.

We recently, kind of on a whim, 3 years ago, bought a used Class A motorhome. It is a 2000 Damon Ultrasport, Diesel pusher. We have so enjoyed traveling and spending time with the kids, that we have decided our ultimate goal is to retire, get the kids happily settled in college, buy an awesome USED rig at a great price and spend as much time as we want exploring the USA.  Due to time limits, we can never get out for more than a week at a time. We have gone up to Maine and down to Florida, in between to Myrtle Beach, Cherokee NC, lots of places in Virginia and some in Maryland too.

I love to read about other people's travels, where they go, what they do, adventures along the way.

My work involves a lot of time at a computer and reading other people's travel blogs keeps me focused on the ultimate goal...

Until next time....